After reading the leadership article by the late Steve Jobs that is below it got me thinking about what the real costs are to bad leadership. Most people (Corp leadership) think the reason Type A producing people leave their company is over money.
In my 25+ yrs of talking to people I have come to realize that is not completely true. It’s pain versus reward.Most producers leave “over money” because the amount of “pain” they suffer, which is usually hyper controlling tendencies by a manager at some level or the need for a manager to take credit for everyone else’s accomplishments to validate their salary, is not “worth” the amount of money they are getting paid.
In both situations the producer’s production is always stifled and they are frustrated which causes pain. The producer decides that it is better to go somewhere else and hopefully lessen this pain for the same amount of money or make money with the same pain, thus making it worth the pain. So if you are losing Type A producing people, you might look at your leadership and not your commission plan…
This quote by Neil Rackham in his book Cracking the Sales Code pretty much sums it up.
I think it is fair to say that I’ve generally been successful in turning around poor-performing sales forces if the front line managers I worked with had good potential, even if the salespeople themselves were mediocre.